Thai Massage
The traditionel
Thai Massage includes mainly stretching and pressure massage.
This will stimulate the blood circulation and relax the muscles.

Short description
The Thai Massage uses different elements
coming from traditionel Yoga techniques. They consist in postures,
where the body is stretched or only parts of it. There are stretching
movements as well. Additionally one can mobilize the joints and spine.
An important part is the pressure along the energy lines and points.
The pressure used depends on the region and condition of the body.
Normally the thumb and the ball of the hand is used but for strong
pressure ellbow, knew and feed are fine as well. Compared to
other massage techniques Thai massage is powerful but should never be
* Releases stress and tension
* Improves your sense of wellbeing
* Reduces chronic pain (headache neck pain)
* Loosens muscles and joints
* Improves agility and posture
* Improves circulatory and lymphatic systems
* Improves the immune system function
* Relaxes the nervous system
* Stimulates the digestion
Background information
The founder of Thai massage and medicine is said to have been
Shivago Komarpaj (Jīvaka Komarabhācca or Jivakar Kumar Bhaccha), who is
said in the Pāli Buddhist Canon to have been the Buddha's physician
over 2,500 years ago. In fact, the history of Thai massage is more
complex than this legend of a single founder would suggest. Thai
massage is a combination of influences from Indian, Chinese, Southeast
Asian cultural spheres and traditions of medicine [Wikipedia].
The art as it is practiced today is likely to be the product of a 19th
century synthesis of various healing traditions from all over the
kingdom. Even today, there is considerable variation from region to
region across Thailand, and no single routine or theoretical framework
that is universally accepted among healers.
If you follow the hints you can get much more out of a
* Before a massage it helps to take a warm shower or use a
steam bath in order the body becomes warm.
* Every person feels different. Tell the masseur/masseuse how you like
the massage: soft or more powerful and he/she will adapt.
* Before and after a massage you should drink a lot. Best is water or
tea. This will rinse depositions released out of your body.
Thai-Massage is great: bring
body and soul into harmony!
The Roman saying "Mens sana in corpore sano", means "a healthy mind in
a healthy body"
Face Massage
Neck - Back Massage Foot Massage
Thai Massage Oil Massage
Sport Massage (relaxing after sports)
Classical / Swedish Oil Massage Spa (Vapour shower +
Aroma Massage)